Tweaking a renovation cleaning service will surely provide you with the best results. However, if you have the option to do so, you need to ensure that you are taking the right steps so that you get the desired results. But if you do not know how you can personalise the service in Melbourne, this blog can be helpful. Here, we will discuss the challenges that you might face while suggesting service modifications and how to get satisfactory outcomes from it.
1. Inspect the Site
The first step before you customise renovation cleaning in Melbourne is to inspect the site. Notice how much dirt and debris has accumulated, and the places that need maximum attention. Based on it, you can guide the cleaners in making the renovated place immaculate. Also, if there are hazardous materials here and there, take note of them since it will help you direct the cleaners better and obtain the desired results.
2. Assess the Composition of the Renovation Cleaning Service
Before you personalise the service, get details about it. Learn what’s included by default, and depending on it, you can ask the cleaners what they should and should not do.
Typically, these services comprise site inspection and top-to-bottom cleaning. However, they might include other things such as pressure cleaning, using certain cleaning techniques and solutions, etc. Only after determining all of these, should you proceed with the customisation options.
3. Only Include What’s Needed
As part of the personalisation of renovation cleaning, you should only include what you think is good for your property. For instance, if you need to get a few places cleaned after renovation, you should modify the service likewise. There’s no need to take up the entire service since it will increase your cost.
4. Ask About the Cost and then Decide
Sometimes, customising renovation cleaning services hardly make any changes to the cost. So, before you proceed with your preferences, discuss whether there will be changes to the price. If you see that with fewer options you are able to save cost, then only you should decide. Otherwise, it is wise to find another provider.
5. Include Only Specific Cleaning Agents
During the cleaning procedure, renovation cleaners will typically include high-quality cleaning solutions. However, you can personalise them as well, if you know which solution works best. For instance, you can select specific cleaners that can effectively get rid of paint blemishes from the renovated area. The same methodology applies to the paint tools. So, you need to choose wisely.
6. Coordinate with the Cleaners
One of the best ways to customise renovation cleaning and get flawless results is to coordinate with the cleaners while they are on their job. You should show them where to clean and how so that they can efficiently do the needful.
To conclude, these are the six simple ways you can modify a renovation cleaning service and get satisfactory results.
Book a Builders Cleaning Service Now
To schedule a builders cleaning service from Builder Cleaning, call 03 8583 9104 or send us an email to if you have queries or need more details.